Consent Release for Use of Photos and Videos
To display, broadcast, transmit, use, re-use, reproduce, publish, modify or prepare derivative works or otherwise use the Content, in whole or in part, individually or in conjunction with or as a composite of other photographs or other matter, on any of SBD’s social media, web sites or in any other public or private medium, for any purpose whatsoever, including (but not limited to) commercial product creation, product promotion, marketing materials, advertising, and trade publications (the “Permitted Uses”);
I represent that the Content does not violate SBD’s Code of Ethics.
I release and discharge SBD, its agents, employees, officers, directors, stockholders, representatives, successors, and assigns from claims and demands arising out of or in connection with the Permitted Uses of the Content, including privacy, publicity, libel, or slander claims and demands for royalties.
I agree that SBD has no obligation to use the Content and that this authorization will begin the date I transmit the Content to SBD and be without limitation.